Bethesda publishes a letter dedicated to its fans


Fallout 76, the last effort of Bethesdahe is now in the finish line. With the upcoming launch of the beta on Xbox One, Software House wanted to share a long message with its fans.

The letter, recently published on the official Twitter account of Bethesda, is available in its entirety as an attachment to the tweet that we bring to you at the bottom of the page. This group of talented developers wanted to share their impressions of the upcoming release of fallout 76. The message opens with the following words: "As a development study, we undertook many trips, we tried not to repeat ourselves, even if we put the same DNA in all our games." Once the idea of ​​a game of Fallout survival was established, there was no possibility to go back, but there were still some concerns and questions: will people want this from Fallout? how are we going to do it and what is it? what exactly is it? ".

Expressing the doubts that accompanied the early stages of the development of fallout 76, the developers of Bethesda Tell how, over the next three years, the software house grew up and how, with it, the game world it was working on was four times bigger than the last chapter of the series. Approaching the release date, they declare that the feeling is not to have finished a project, but rather to have marked a starting line. As you will remember, in fact, Bethesda He intends to update the title for many years.

In conclusion, it seems interesting to emphasize how Bethesda indicate, in this message, that after the announcement of fallout 76 Maybe even some fans have asked their own initial question: "What is it?"But the developers say they now have an answer for players who want to spend time in the world they've been working on for three years: "You decide".

We remind you that Fallout 76 arrives, November 14, on PC, Playstation 4 and Xbox One.

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