Captured the first moments of life on a planet, the photo of PDS 70b observed by Sphere


This is an extremely important image because it shows an unprecedented appearance in the eyes of scientists. photographed the first moments of the life of a newborn planet while the road opens into the disk of gas and dust around the dwarf star PDS 70, to about 370 light-years from Earth. The research, published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics and coordinated by Miriam Keppler and André Müller of the Max Planck Institute of Astronomy in Heidelberg, Germany, has also followed a large number of Italian researchers' National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF).

Baptized PDS 70b, the last planet in time order of about 4000 outside the Solar System discovered up to here – reports the Ansa – was observed by the hunter of new worlds Sphere, installed on Very Large Telescope (Vlt) of the Observatory of Southern Europe (Eso). It is about three billion kilometers from its star, more or less the distance between Uranus and the Sun. The first data suggest the presence of clouds in its atmosphere. The badyzes also show that it is a gaseous giant with a mbad greater than Giov e, and surface temperatures of 1000 ° C

in the l & # 39; 39, image, the planet is clearly visible in the form of a brilliant disc next to the center of the photo obscured by a coronagraph, a mask that blocks the light of the star star around which the planet rotates allowing astronomers to observe it. For Raffele Gratton, of the Osservatorio Astronomico dell & # 39; Padua Inf, among the authors of the discovery, "this snapshot, which took the PDS 70b in the early stages of its existence, is another important element for understanding the mechanisms of planetary formation "

Astronomical and Astrophysical Study

Credit: ESO / A. Müller and others

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