convergence between payments and mobile [Video]


Milan (askanews) – Poste Italiane introduced the new Postepay Connect to the Milan Payments Show: a digital solution combining Postepay Evolution card services and PosteMobile SIM cards. With Postepay Connect, you can manage telephony and payment services via a single application. Marco Siracusano, Managing Director of PostePay Spa, introduced the new product.

"PostePay Connect – said askanews – is the first concrete application of PostePay Spa, the new specialized company born on October 1. We believe that it is an important step because it is the concrete representation of this mission of convergence between the physical world and the digital world, but also between the world of payments and the world of furniture ".

"In the PostePay application – added Siracusano – it will be possible to simultaneously manage the payment requirements of PostePay with the provision of PosteMobile SIM.This application, for a single fee, allows you to buy for the It is also a year of payment and telephony services, in addition to having access to specialized services such as PostePay's P2P payments to PostePay, but also to the uniqueness of our availability of a Giga to Giga function ".

Basically, in the community of Postepay Connect, it will be possible to transfer the surplus of Giga in real time free of charge.

"We think – adds Siracusano – that the investment made by PostePay Spa on PostePay SpA is very important, it is really turning to the future, while the Poste Italiane Business Plan Hold 2022 is the new payments segment One of the guidelines for development We must ensure that the PostePay ecosystem is set up in the interests of consumers, businesses and the public administration. what the world of 12800 offices is in synergy – very important for us, with a digital service model ".

The Poste Italiane group's payments are impressive: to date, more than 4 million SIM PosteMobile cards are active, more than 26 million payment cards with the Poste Italiane brand and 2.5 million digital wallets; In addition, more than 19 million "free" apps have been downloaded for smartphones and tablets, while the number of registered customers on has recently surpbaded 16 million.

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