Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, discover the new levels


Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy is finally available for all platforms currently available on the market, allowing all users to enjoy one of the best trilogies in the history of platform games. While the user is currently split between the 60 fps PC version the 4K resolution offered by the Xbox One X and the portability of the Nintendo Switch, we decided to focus on the added value that unifies all versions of this new version of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy: the two unpublished levels included in the offer. Among the famous, and until now unfinished, Stormy Ascent and the unpublished Future Tense actually, Vicarious Vision wanted to put an end to an anthological work of deep Absolute making it complete with each part and inserting a touch of personality to pay tribute to fans of the iconic marsupial world of Naughty Dog.

Stormy Ascent

" There is nothing sadder than eliminating part of the game when you are so close to its conclusion. The work behind the creation of a level is so incredible that seeing it finish in the section dedicated to cut material is still a personal tragedy "[19659004] With these words Jason Rubin, co-founder of Naughty Dog, answered questions from a interview twenty years ago on an uncompleted level of the first, historian, Crash Bandicoot: Stormy Ascent

  Stormy Ascent
Stormy Ascent in its glorious original appearance

D & # First appeared as a frame on the back cover of the PAL version of Crash Bandicoot, and later became one of the most famous "legendary urban video games" for its seemingly evil difficulty, Stormy Ascent has summer made available for the first time, officially, only in July 2017 as additional content to the PlayStation 4 version of the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane trilogy. Driven by the desire to create an anthology that can be considered complete, the Vicarious Vision guys got their hands on the incomplete version of the level to be able to complete and make Naughty Dog's marsupial fans happy with . one of the most difficult challenges. Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy .

  crash bandicoot n sane trilogy guide stormy level ascent v5 300059

An incomplete version of Stormy Ascent was already accessible in the original version of Crash Bandicoot through the use of a Shark game. In addition to presenting several gaps, and an incomplete graphic style, the memory of the three Cortex chips scattered across the level has generated a game freeze forcing a forced reset of the PlayStation.

  Crash Stormy Ascent Level Access
  crash bandicoot n sane trilogy 3

Available immediately after the end of the first level of Crash Bandicoot, Stormy Ascent is a challenging but not impossible challenge . If it's wise to cope in the final stages of the title, in fact, the difficulty curve of the level will be less steep than what has been praised by the various legends. With a setting similar to Slippery Climb (universally recognized as one of the most challenging levels of the first Crash Bandicoot), Stormy Ascent offers the same two-dimensional structure filled with retractable platforms, mad scientists, barbed bullets and an extreme demand for precision in jumps, and in timing, by the player . Adorned with an unpublished bonus section (created specifically by Vicarious Vision to fill in the gaps of the original version) and a hard-to-obtain gem (which will increase the percentage of completion of the title over the 100% Threshold), Stormy Ascent the fame that precedes it offering a level of challenge that Taylor Kurosaki himself, a historical employee of Naughty Dog, claims to be decidedly unbalanced compared to other levels of Crash Bandicoot

  Stormy Ascent Remastered

Future Tense [19659003LaviannewfoundetheversionofCrashBandicootNSaneTrilogyrideideallyin Future Tense, a level created entirely by the developers of Vicarious Vision as well as the first form of unpublished material, produced for Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, from 1998 to today. With the difficult task of having to match the work done twenty years ago by Naughty Dog and to remain perfectly contextualized to the gaming experience offered by the third understood by Crash Bandicoot, Future Tense stands out as a respectful celebration and a pbadionate signature by the Vicarious Studios towards the work of the famous "cagnacci" of Santa Monica.

In a manner similar to what was seen with Stormy Ascent, also Future Tense will be available immediately to all players . However, we immediately warn you that addressing this level without the unlockable power – ups during Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, will make the experience less complete as it will not be possible to. eviscerate in all its parts. Using a scenario similar to that of Gone Tomorrow and taking advantage of the many elements present in this level, Future Tense succeeds, thanks to its derivative evel wise design to remain consistent with the game basic, offering news, some difficulty and some fan-service elements that will surely be appreciated by the long-time connoisseurs of Naughty Dog's marsupial.


Future Tense will be available for free on the Playstation Store for a limited time. Just like what happened with Stormy Ascent, Vicarious Vision did not want to betray the trust of SONY users who bought Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy last summer.

  crash bandicoot n sane trilogy future 1 jpg 800x0 crop upscale q85

The level of di fficulty offered by Future Tense although not at all comparable to the peak of challenge reached by Stormy Ascent, s & # 39; is consistent with the original content of Crash Bandicoot 3: Warped, providing an experience that is able to align perfectly with the difficulty offered by the last levels of the original game. Between the lateral displacements of the platforms, and the vertical laser beams, the innovations introduced by Vicarious Vision do not show radical innovation for the platform genre but they are perfectly integrated with the challenges encountered in the levels. precedents, leaving constantly feeling of "already seen" to the players who will face it. Some elements transplanted by Waterfall (famous level never concluded for the first Crash Bandicoot) will please fans of the most extreme quote, as well as the inclusion of two extra gems will ensure the right challenge rate for the most complete.

  FINAL FT02 Crash

Future Tense and Stormy Ascent are offering two other trophies / goals, under the name of The Lost Treasures, to get their hidden treasures and achieve such a time of achievement to win a relic of 39; gold.

  future bandicoot crash

Future Tense with its previously seen strengths, few innovations in thickness and high quotationism should not be misjudged ]. Expecting a level with content that could overturn the original title, or too much difficulty, would simply be wrong because Future Tense perfectly represents the idea behind this remake, offering a tribute made by the developers to a job that, they first, they liked to play twenty years ago. If this pleasant addition to Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy represents a preview of the announcement scheduled for 2019 it remains for the moment a fantasy able to feed the discussions Fans, But It Is Undeniable Future Tense Is The Perfect Conclusion Of One Of The Best Anthologies Currently On The Market

  Crash FT04 FINAL

Tom's Recommend

The Crash Bandicoot N. Sane trilogy is available from June 29 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch. You have no more excuses for not immersing yourself in an important part of the history of the platform game.

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