Cyberpunk 2077 will not be afraid to tackle political-social issues


In a recent interview for Xbox Magazine, Patrick Mills, Quest Deisgner CD Projekt RED is back to discuss Cyberpunk 2077 the new RPG being developed at the studio of the Polish software house, which became famous for the trilogy The Witcher

Mills said that Cyberpunk 2077 also gave the base offered by the original board game designed by Mike Pondsmith, not n 39 will not be afraid to deal with politico-social issues. On the contrary, these aspects are considered fundamental and even intrinsic to the product that CD Projekt RED tries to pack.

" Cyberpunk is a game about high people that holds This power can come from money, hierarchies, technology, and violence.The original setting of Cyberpunk 2020 as well as that of The Witcher C & # 39; was a complex critic of the author's world, and we will not get away from it in our games, and I think it's something that distinguishes us Cyberpunk is an inherently political genre and franchise. "

Cyberpunk 2077 is expected on PC, PS4 and Xbox One at an as yet unknown launch date. The game will support 14 languages, including Italian, and will feature a progression system divided into attributes, abilities and benefits.

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