Dates and details on the day of Amazon discounts


The Amazon Prime Day 2018 has not yet been officially announced, but a date has already been leaked between specialized sites. It is then that it will be …

The 2018 Amazon Prime Day is already at the center of a small "case". In fact, the famous TechRadar site has announced the date before all through what is called in jargon a leak . They succeeded, that is to say, get the information thanks to an inattention of Amazon himself

In the English site they mistakenly inserted the banners of Amazon Prime Day 2018, that the site immediately intercepted and "screenshottato". Thanks to Techradar we discover that the next Amazon Prime Day will be July 17, 2018 with the start of cuts midway of the day before, on July 16, 2018 . Day 2018 leaked dates – 36 hours of transactions begin at noon on July 16

– TechRadar (@techradar) June 21, 2018

Why is the first day of Amazon is held later than usual in 2018?

Amazon's premium day is normally held around the 10th of July. This year, according to TechRadar, it has been postponed so as not to ride the World Cup. Another unique feature of this First Day is that it will actually give a day and a half . Thirty-six hours, twelve more than usual, making it the longest First Day of all time. The start time, again according to reported rumors, will be at 6 pm Pacific Time, that is, the Italian 3 o'clock . As it is a curious moment one can imagine that there will be different times for Europe.

Amazon Prime Day, How the "Longest Day" Works for Fans of Online Shopping

Basically, the Amazon Prime Day Reality is "Simply" a Discount Day Reserved for Those Who Have a Amazon Prime subscription . What makes it attractive to everyone is the fact that we can sign Prime for free for 30 days if we have never done it before, and still access the discounts.

A Council : Normally, the official date of the first day of Amazon is announced about a week in advance. For those who want to sign the test month to enjoy Prime Day, it's the right time. In this way, we are sure to be able to finish the recording quickly and especially to be able to preview the benefits that are already normally reserved for the main users.

The most interesting aspect of Prime Day is its unique structure. In fact, the most interesting and practical offers are provided in the form of Lampo Offers which usually last for a few hours (or a few tens of minutes). These are the most economically interesting offers, even the most difficult ones to "capture". The bids of the day will last 24 hours, or until the end of the stocks. They are on average less convenient but easier to intercept. Finally the Best Deals are normally available for longer periods, but are on a more limited number of products and especially the discounts are lower.

 Amazon offers pre Prime Day [19659008] How to participate in the Amazon Prime Day … champions!

First, there is already an "official" Amazon Prime Day 2018 page and it is at that address, even though it is not yet active. In opening it we can discover another very important thing, namely that Amazon offers daily discounts even when we are not in the period of the First Day.

The number of discounts offered by Amazon is such that "seeing them" is impossible, and for this reason many dedicated instruments are born. For example, Il Trovasconti is an extension for the Chrome browser that allows both to get suggestions on the most interesting discounts, according to our interests, and to search among the reductions of the main platforms including Amazon, to immediately find the offers that interest us.

As we have seen above, one of the first things to do is to join Prime in advance and to get acquainted with discounts and benefits. Then, to be sure of finding the real offers we can turn to the sites that make price tracking that is, that they control product prices. There are several, but the basic operation is very similar: we enter the address or code of the product that interests us, and the system will notify us if there are any price changes . Everything does not work perfectly during Prime Day, but it's still a convenient way of "scoring" the prices of products outside of the Amazon. Keepa CamelCamelCamel and The Traktor .

Consult Amazon through the browser from a computer. It seems that the site is more "agile" of different Apps by suggesting instant offers.

Finally, one last tip: a great way to deal with Prime Day is also to … look outside of Amazon! Many competitors and small websites actually, a little 'to follow the wave a bit' to try to sell even in those days, in turn offering discounts and concessions.