Dead Mario Segale, the man who inspired the name of Super Mario Bros


Mario Segale died at the age of 84. Wikipedia describes him as "an entrepreneur involved in some urban projects in the Seattle area since the 1950s" and then operating in the asphalt and construction sectors. But Rye was a lot more, he was the man to whom the hero of the video game "# R,,,, Super Mario & # 39; & # 39; took his name.

A self – taught man, like many others, was in the United States after the Second World War. Few people know that Super Mario Bros, the protagonist of the Nintendo video game of the same name, takes its name from that of Rye for a story that brings together economic problems and video games. In 1981, Donkey Kong – the first game featuring the pretty plumber with a mustache – was still in the mind of its creator, Shigeru Miyamoto. (Continue reading after the photo)

At that time, Nintendo, still far from what it is today, had rented one of Rye's warehouses for headquarters. The company did not perform well and did not have the money to pay the rent, even in the shade. Hence the decision of the president of Nintendo of America, Minoru Arakawa, to invite Rye into the company's offices. It took time to convince the contractor to postpone the time of receipt. And Mr. Mario too. (Continue reading after the photo)

Originally, the name "Super Mario" was called "Jumpman", which means "the man who jumps". Until the moment Nintendo has not decided to give the character a real name. At the time, it was Minoru Arakawa who had told Rye that the protagonist of the game would have given him his name. Lady's character also changed and the name became Paulina "grace" to the wife of a company employee, while Jumpman, as said before, became Mario in the honor of the Man who, even reluctantly, had allowed the company to sum the rent of the locals. (Continue reading after the photo)

In 1993, in an interview with the Seattle Times, Segale joked that he was still waiting to receive royalties. However, stresses the obituary published by the funeral service agency that took care of the funeral, "has always avoided notoriety and wanted to remember what he had done in life".

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