Directive on the copyright of the web, Europe decided today •


Web Copyright Directive we discussed this in this article, on the occasion of the manifestation raised by the Wikipedia portal in Italian which decided to obscure its pages pending the decision of Europe on the freedom of articles and content on the web.

The European Parliament today decided in plenary session to speed up the approval of Copyright Directive to regulate the the digital information sector which, according to some, is now a kind of Wild West without laws and rules, for others the only place where there is real and unlimited freedom of speech. In fact, if the directive were to be promulgated, there would be a significant limitation of Internet freedom.

If the law had been approved, every article published on the web would have had a very high level of control, looking for possible infractions. right of author. But all this, at least for the moment, will not happen, since the proposal was rejected .

WE HAVE DONE! Important victory on #copyright! You come back to the committee and you reopen the discussion. As I have already done …

Posted by Daniele Viotti on Thursday, July 5, 2018

Great success: your protests have gone! The European Parliament has the law on copyright in the drawing board. All MPs will vote #uploadfilters and #linktax from September 10th to 13th. Now let's keep the pressure to make sure we #SaveYourInternet !

– Julia Reda (@Senficon) July 5, 2018

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