Eclipse July 27, here's where to see it in Ravenna – Chronicle


Ravenna, July 22, 2018 – There are only a few days left lunar eclipses of the century . Everything is ready with the nose up. Friday, July 27, indeed, the moon is preparing for a memorable spectacle: it's actually the longest total lunar eclipse of the century. An event made possible by the opposition of the planet Mars which gives a red color to the satellite of the Earth.


There is no shortage of meetings to admire this astronomical spectacle. The group of experts of the planetarium of Ravenna can be found from 20 to the pier of the lighthouse of Marina di Ravenna to offer a free observation to the participants. At Kirecò Park via Don Sala in Ravenna, there is also the possibility of camping (renting tents in the case) for a party held from 19h until 19:00. dawn. From 19h to 20h30 Apericena for families: buffet for adults and children's menus, both at 10 euros

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The eclipse is visible from 19.13 to 02.31 . The whole is at 21:30 in the evening until 23:14, but before and after you can see the respective partial eclipses, both of 1 hour and 6 minutes.

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