Eclipse of Moon and Mars, the long night in red between direct and breathtaking photos


Everyone is looking up. The lunar eclipse is not a rare phenomenon but the spectacle of nature that will unfold in a few hours will be quite special. It will be the longest optical event of the century as emphasized by Paolo Volpini of Unione Astrofili Italiani . It will be a unique show for other reasons. "It comes in summer and it is easier for the sky to be clear and the event is perfectly visible" – badured the astronomer. Moreover, unlike the most recent eclipses, it will not be necessary to spend the night away to admire the "natural spectacle". In 2015, the whole world stopped for Superluna [VIDEO].

This time the phenomenon will be perfectly visible in Europe and in Italy. In the beautiful country pbadionate and did not mobilize to find the best prospect to follow the eclipse.

Red moon or blood in Rome on the Coliseum in the night of July 27, 2018 ~ Red moon or blood in Rome on the Colosseum on the night of July 27, 2018 [19659007] – Armando (@ArmyRenzi) July 27, 2018

Some people will "arm" a telescope and try to capture events with suggestive photos to share on social networks. Many will become reporter to tell live about Facebook and Instagram the emotions of the magical night. On Twitter the eclipse hashtag has been a hot topic since the afternoon and user searches have proliferated on google so as to have as much information as possible to follow live the natural event.

According to astronomers' reports, the first "shadow contact" should take place around 8:24 pm, while at the beginning of the total eclipse we will have to wait until 9:30 pm [19659012] The time of greatest visibility at 22:30 [19659011] The moment of greatest visibility will be reached around 22:30 with the phenomenon that should dry out between 23:15 and 23:30. According to experts, the moon will come out completely from the shadows at 0:18. Also on the night of July 27 to 28 Mars [VIDEO] will be at the minimum distance from the Sun and, therefore, in the best visibility conditions. In those hours there were no hoaxes and false news. In the last hours the one concerning cosmic rays from Singapore came back into fashion with the invitation to turn off TVs, tablets and mobile phones to avoid serious consequences [19659014] VIPs and fans on Twitter amazement and enchantment [19659011] Not even VIPs and television personalities remained indifferent to the fascination of the eclipse. Simona Ventura published a shot on Twitter accompanied by commentary on the red slope of the moon.

It is not the same for Francesco Facchinetti who, judging by the tweet ("Also this year, we all see the moon the next year"), does not seem to be able to witness the natural phenomenon. A suggestive shot by a user who immortalized the "Red Moon" of the Ponte Vecchio Florence .

Many were delighted by the event: "I was stunned as soon as I saw it." Breathtaking Shots of Greece with the Statue of Apollo which seems, for an optical effect, to almost touch the Luna Show in the show since not far from the "bloody" moon another luminous point has stolen the eyes of the fans and the For a few hours, the planet Mars was visible from any angle of the Earth Impressive images that made magic a night many will remember for a long time

] … and Apollo in the center of Athens (Photo: Aris Messinis / AFP / Getty Images) .An additional shade of two orange-red at recent fires?

– Dibyendu Nandi (@ydnadydnad) July 28, 2018

Ponte Vecchio, Florence #eclissi

] – Loris??♂? (@LorisLombardi_) 27 July 2018

The Moon on Mars # asterlunareclipse2018 #BoodMoon #EclipseLunar #LunarEclipse #cielosia #planetariofoto # 324weather @Roxi_cler_

– Jordi Dols (@jordi_dols) July 27, 2018

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