Eclipse of the Moon 27 July 2018, here's where to see it in Milan – Chronicle


Milan, July 18, 2018 – The countdown has begun: the lunar eclipse longer than the century will arrive and the earth will remain in the l '; darkness for nearly two years. The exceptional and rare event will take place on Friday, July 27th: it will begin at 19h13 to finish at 2:31, will reach the maximum of the peak between 8:20 pm and 8:25 pm when Earth Will completely darken the moon. The darkness will remain from 21:30 to 23:14. But the evening of the lunar eclipse it will be a particularly moving evening. Not only will the moon disappear, so to speak, but it will also be possible to see Mars planet in all its splendor. Indeed, in total opposition to the Sun, Mars will be completely illuminated and it will be possible to distinguish it perfectly thanks to its unmistakable red color. Moreover, what will happen on July 27 above the sky in Milan and throughout Italy will also be the phenomenon of the miniluna that occurs when the satellite of Virtual Telescope Project Milan who organize for the preparation of the events dedicated to Eclissi di Luna in Milan to see it at its best. Here are some events planned

GIARDINI MONTANELLI – For the occasion, from the of 21, Lofficina of the Ulrico Hoepli Planetarium in Milan in collaboration with the the Circolo Astrofili di Milano and the badociation Gam Vita Universe and Tutto Quanto, organizes an evening of observation of the Red Moon to [19659003JardinspublicsIndroMontanelli from Porta Venezia. The organizers provide their telescopes to follow in company the lunar eclipse of the century from 22 (but anybody can contribute to the evening in possibly bringing their own telescope); While waiting for the eclipse, from 21, you will be able to observe the planets Jupiter and Saturn. The initiative is of free admission and free .

ABBEY OF MIRASOLE – NDalle 21, as part of the Mirasole Abbey of the Opera (Milan), an observation is held guided by the eclipse with the telescopes of AstroMirasole . During the evening, the observation of the planets is also planned Giove Saturno and Marte . Participation is free (in case of bad weather, the event is canceled). For those who wish, the abbey of 19:30 will organize a buffet (cost 15 euros) including meats and cheeses, small pizzas and scones, pasta alla crudaiola (fresh basil tomato and ricotta salata), seasonal vegetables , watermelon, water and wine: reservation required, for info 347 8534492.

VILLA ARCONATI – The night of the long eclipse will be an evening of delightfully gothic atmosphere to Villa Arconati-FAR : The beer in the Villa will host, in fact, the 21 a Night candlelight walk entitled "Fantasmagories, monsters and vampires, the dark nights of Byron, Shelley and Polidori ". It's indeed a "candlelit night walk", an outdoor, traveling-shaped event, which takes place in the suggestion of the hot candle light, delivered to the meeting participants. At the last stop, defendants will be able to watch the exciting projection of images and documents from the time. The appointment is also confirmed in case of rain with solutions inside and inside. It is a historical-literary cultural event with a revealing character directed by Jennifer Radulović – historian, essayist and popularizer – who will tell the dark and mysterious nights of Villa Diodati of 1816, attended by characters like Lord Byron, Mary Shelley and John William Polidori in an exciting journey through Gothic literature, history and science, extravagant books, awesome facts and scary scientific discoveries. In addition to the quality traditional food and the taste of craft beer, Birra in Villa as a tribute to the candlelit night walk in the garden at 21, will create a special Gothic Black Menu.

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