Facebook around the world: what's going on


A problem that initially seemed to concern only foreign countries and then involved several Italian users, who over the years began to report the difficulties encountered with Facebook, the now very popular social network to which everyone enters. we access every day and on which we publish images, videos, gifs and thoughts day after day freely. In particular, the application for Android of the creature born genius Mark Zuckerberg has not worked properly, creating many impacts for different people. Once opened, the application ends up stopping by itself, effectively preventing any operation. The first cases of this kind were recorded around 13 Italians, then increased dramatically. First in America, then also in Europe. Thousands of Italians who in turn reported the malfunction of Facebook for Android, while iOS users (and who accessed from the PC) did not seem to be affected. (Continue reading after the photo)

As we read on various computer sites, Facebook's first reports arrived around 12:00 on July 12, to grow rapidly and hit the peak between 14 and 14: 30 Meanwhile, there was no communication from the company based in Menlo Park, California, a silence that had clearly contributed to increased chaos. Probably technicians and engineers were trying to discover the cause of the malfunction. (Continue reading after the photo) Official press releases did not even arrive in the hours that followed, when the problem returned. For the moment, it seems definitively. According to what was reported during the malfunction period by worried users, the majority of users having encountered problems accessing the social platform was in possession of computers with Android 6 or Android 7, albeit the same. there are cases of people with a generation phone and Android 8 Oreo on board. (Keep reading after the picture)

In short, a problem concerning a wide spectrum of devices, both abroad and in our country. At present, the vast majority of reports seem to come from the United Kingdom, France and the Netherlands, but the number of complaints has gradually increased over time in our country. In particular, the inhabitants of Rome and Milan had the biggest problems of access, with hundreds of new reports arriving minute by minute

"So, overtaking?". Then the crash on Facebook. A terrible carelessness cost the lives of 9 people. And on social networks it's the lynching: "Assbadin!"

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