Facebook, bug unlocks blacklists of more than 800 thousand users


Between May 29 and June 5 last, Facebook's blacklist system had a malfunction following a bug and therefore unlocked at least one contact between those previously inserted, for more than 800,000 users worldwide . During this time, unlocked contacts are back to see messages shared by users, even if they are not meant for friends only. The news was given by Erin Egan, head of Facebook's privacy, through a post on the official blog

The blacklist or blacklist is a fundamental tool for Facebook users and can be used for a thousand reasons. Usually, many contacts are not represented by relatives and friends of daily life, but by unknown people with whom we share an interest and to whom, however, we do not want to make known other aspects of their lives. src = "http://www.tomshw.it/data/thumbs/8/0/5/4/image001-1a16c7b90378f52e2a356721934ded791.jpg" />

But they can also be people related to the environment of work, that one wants to stay away from the most personal messages in which one's political, badual or religious preferences stand out, or eventually, over time, relationships may change and become less narrow and deep and so, even without canceling a friendship, one can decide to exclude these contacts from most of their messages.

In any case the problem has now been solved and, more importantly, everything has been restored to the previous parameters and the users reinserted erected in the blacklist . All users involved were also contacted directly, via a notification in which the incident was explained, so if you have not received anything do not worry, your privacy has never been in danger.

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