Fallout 76: Dates and Times of the PlayStation 4 and PC Beta


A few hours after the conclusion of the second exclusive test session on Xbox One, Bethesda has officially released the details on the dates and times of the expiration of the beta version of Fallout 76 on PlayStation 4 and PC.

To access the beta, it is mandatory to have pre-order the title in the desired version. The test phase will, in addition to familiarizing the game system based on multiplayer interactions between players, explore the interesting and unprecedented region of the Appalachians. Take a pen and paper and, I recommend, mark these dates and times to enjoy the best of the title:

  • October 31 – 13:00 to 17:00
  • November, 1st – from 20:00 to 1 November on 2 November
  • November 3 – 23:00 to 3 November 4
  • November 4th – from 20:00 to 15:00 on 5 November

For the PC version, we suggest you visit the following sites address be familiar with the minimum and recommended requirements. While waiting for new updates, we remind you that Fallout 76 will be available from November 14, 2018 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC. What do you think of Bethesda's new work? Let us know your opinions about it!

With the announcement of Fallout 76, why not return to Capital Wasteland and replay the clbadic Fallout 3 with all its DLC? You can buy it comfortably on Amazon, have fun!

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