Fastweb has decided to increase the cost of some offers since August 1


  Increases Fastweb

Fastweb is known by all as the virtual operator who with his initiative #nientecomeprima, always tries to abolish hidden costs and durability constraints

Unfortunately the News of today will not be to anyone, the operator has announced that some landline customers will see an increase of as of August 1, 2018 . Let's discover the details.

Increases in view for some Fastweb offers

We have talked a lot about remodeling in the past few months, when all operators have gone from billing 28 days to 30 days. This time, the remodeling will affect some fixed Fastweb customers. The canon of certain offers will increase from 1 August 2018 .

According to the information we have had up to here, the first offer to be affected by the remodulation is ] Joy of 2014. The offer in question will be seen add well 4 euros per month in the bill VAT included. The operator has reported the news directly to his official website through an "important communication".

Here are the words of the operator: " In the last 12 months, we have reached 5 million families with our fiber optics, doubling the average speed of customers on our network, introduced the FastGate . To accelerate the constant improvement of our services, innovation and enrichment of the offer, the amounts of your subscription will be partially adjusted to the prices of current Fastweb offers . From 01/08/2018, the monthly amount of your fixed network offer will increase by 4 € per month (including VAT) ". In essence, the user will spend about 50 euros more per year . We only hope that this rate does not affect other offers.

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