Follow JC Go, the review of the Pokémon Go Catholic Clone


Fed up with catching the ride Pokémon? The solution comes from the Vatican! Yes, you read correctly. Follow JC Go he cherishes the valuable teachings of Niantic and Nintendo to offer his "hunt" game based on geolocation. There will not be the colorful creatures of the Big N to keep us company, but saints, blessed and other biblical characters, among the best known and the least known.

As we will discover, the project stems from the intention to address a younger audience and educate them to the Catholic faith, thus offering a well-known formula to many users of smartphones and tablets. Will he meet those expectations? Hard to say for the moment, but we still took the opportunity to give it a try. Follow JC Go on our phone android (the application is also available for iOS).

A principle of duty: if at school we have never been fixed in religion – or in Spanish, we would add – Follow JC Go it could become a rather frustrating experience.

Recruit Saints and Blesseds

This unique mobile title was created by Fundación Ramón Pané, Inc. with approval – or rather, the blessing – the Holy See, so much so that Pope Francis was the first user to take his first steps into the virtual world of Follow JC Go; virtual world based, as you have already deduced, on the map of the region in which we will be physically located, thanks to the integration of GPS functions.

By walking in the shoes of our alter ego, we will meet some floating icons: some of them will represent one of the aforementioned figures extracted from the Bible, while others will correspond to a series of 39 elements that we can gather to meet certain needs.

In the first case, we are talking about the saints and blesseds that we can "capture" to try to add them to our collection, or better, to our Evangelism Team. To recruit members of the so-called eTeam, we will not have to launch Poké Ball or use a kind of trap, but it will be up to us to participate in some sort of quiz: the question will refer to the character we can unlock, more specifically to a detail related to his story or a possible quote.

By answering correctly, we will get the card dedicated to the character in question, but a wrong answer will force us to give up and return to search for the same character. Please note that only the support of the Spanish language will make this task very difficult for those who do not chew the idiom, as in the case of the undersigned, who has now broken the world record of wrong answers in Follow JC Go. eTeam is very skinny, actually.

When we talk about elements, we refer to three objects / icons in particular: Water, Bread and … Spirituality. The collection of the latter will regenerate as many values ​​related to our character, respectively Hydration, energy and … spirituality. The result we are going to achieve is quite clear when one of the three parameters is completely exhausted, because for many hours we have never managed to stay completely dehydrated or fasting, nor to stray from the right path. Indeed, the distribution of the elements is also too generous and we are not only talking about their quantity on the screen: if we are too far from an object, we can collect it anyway, even in the spotting in the distance, until we are willing to spend 3 denarios.

In-app indulgences shopping

There are three different ways to make money Follow JC Goexplore the world of gaming, follow the commercials – and watch long, spiritually charged videos – or, oddly, convert real money into virtual currency. So far no wonder, if not the expense made in this game was considered a Donsent to the same Fundación Ramón Pane who has been busy developing the application in question.

The money that will go to charity will allow us to unlock more challenges and Denarios mentioned above, thanks to which we will get – if necessary – even a second attempt for failed applications. The uses of money will be limited to this, at least for the moment.

Another feature that moves away from the usual features of this type of games is the name of Puntos de interés (Points of interest). In this list, we can choose some structures and places to visualize in the game: we are talking about churches, restaurants, hospitals, petrol stations, etc., in an area ranging from 500 m to 5 km. Nothing particularly relevant for the purposes of our hunt, but it will be very useful for those who take advantage of the GPS functions to reach a particular place on the map.

Do not underestimate the integration of some social features, such as the ability to add a friend and that of contacting other players through a convenient email system.

Catechism chibi

All this, however, will not be accessible before creating our very personal avatar. After baptizing with a nickname, we will be able to customize its appearance with the help of theeditorwho will act in a very casual way to create our look; therefore, it will not be possible to select individual garments or somatic features. A real pity for the future bishops, who will be able to be content with a chibi counterpart.

On the technical profile Follow JC Go deserve a little more confession. The title comes with a very basic graphic look, maybe even too much when we end up wandering without apparent purpose in the virtual world: our avatar, our icons and our signs are poor in detail and they do not enjoy a high resolution, a problem that also affects the miniatures that we can collect. No wonder, even when it comes to animations that stumble sometimes even in small delays and during a strange frost.

We also report a problem regarding the use of the compbad, an alternative mode that would allow us to control the game camera via the movement of our smartphone. Ahinoi, even if you stay still, the visual will start shooting repeatedly, rendering this feature unusable. Even full-screen device users will not be happy (nearly 90% of smartphones have landed on the market this year) because the interface will not be able to fill all their screens.

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