Fortnite, when will the playing field be activated? Epic updates us on the status of work


Last week, he was supposed to start the Playground mode. However, serious problems with matchmaking forced Epic Games to postpone it to a later date. Almost a week later, there is still no trace of MAT, and today the developers have updated us on the status of the work.

"Before reviving the mode Parco Giochi we believe at once we must achieve a satisfactory level of performance, we continued to work all weekend to achieve this goal and our last test s & Has turned out to be a promise, but there are still some anomalies in the data that we have to decipher., Such as:

  • Server at the limit of capacity
  • Codes at matchmaking for overcrowding of MAT [19659004] Retrieving functions after server capacity increase, etc.

It is difficult to predict when it will be necessary to implement other changes to achieve our current goals, we will let's know at the end of the current test phase, which will last a few more hours and we will update as soon as it is necessary ".

Epic Games therefore, works hard to finally launch the mode of waiting, which will allow the Fortnite players to give free rein to their creativity, without limits of killings and construction. We will know more in the coming hours, stay tuned for these pages.

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