From Padua to Catania, all the events of the INAF to observe the Moon


The lunar eclipse will be an unforgettable event and the ingredients for doing so are there: a favorable date and time, that is to say the evening of Friday, July 27, and a record time of the phase of totality, with 103 minutes will be the longest of this century.
In Italy, the astronomical phenomenon will be visible, the clouds allowing it, almost in its entirety. Indeed, the Moon will rise a few minutes before 21:00 Italian local time, to the southeast, already crossing the cone created by the Earth, which will then be exactly between the Sun and our natural satellite . The whole phase will take place between 21 and 30 and 23 and 13, while the maximum eclipse, or the largest darkening of the moon, is expected at 22 and 22. The moon, after leaving the whole, will cross The penumbra cone emerges definitively and thus marks the end of the eclipse at 1 and 30 in the morning of July 28th. For the occasion, an online space has been created to share photos and short videos of the eclipse. You do not have to be experienced photographers or have professional tools, even a normal smartphone is enough: you can download images of the moon that become red, personal or group photos. during the event or even drawings on the subject. The dedicated page can be reached at In addition, the National Institute of Astrophysics has planned several initiatives on the Italian territory related to the eclipse. Here are the events in detail, with essential information and links for more information and bookings. At this address, there is an interactive map that collects them all:

Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science (OAS) Bologna
Bologna – Parco dei Giardini (Ca 'Bura), via dei Giardini – from 9:30 to 24:30. In collaboration with the Sofos Association and the Metropolitan City of Bologna, the Night of the Moon is the name of the event organized by INAF OAS in Bologna, in one of the most beautiful parks of the city of Bologna. An evening of observation of the sky and the astronomical event with the naked eye and with the help of educational telescopes:

Agriturismo Dulcamara – Via Tolara di Sopra 78 – from 20:30. In collaboration with the Municipality of Ozzano dell Emilia, Amici di Ciagnano and Settefonti, Associazione Idee in Campo, Agriturismo Dulcamara, Park Authority for Biodiversity Emilia-Romagna The event will take place in the heart of the Regional Park of Gessi Bolognesi and Calanchi dell & Abbadessa, 15 km from Bologna. Introductory lecture by Maura Sandri, INAF-OAS astronomer, with at the same time a workshop for children from 4 to 7 years old. Following the observation of the celestial phenomenon with field telescopes, alternate readings and suggestions on our satellite: 27-luglio-2018

in the locality of Is Alineddus, Silius (Cagliari) – from 20:00. In collaboration with the municipality and the Proloco de Silius and Associazione Astrofili Sardi.
EclisSilius 2018 is the name of the event organized by the headquarters of INAF in Cagliari, on the panoramic hill, a few kilometers from Radio Telescope of Sardinia.
An evening to describe the sky and the event both to the naked eye and to the help of educational telescopes. The event will be enriched by Astrokids laboratories for children and a dinner with reservations required:

On Piazza Europa – from 20:30 to 24h30 In collaboration with the Gruppo Astrofili Catanesi, direct observation of the eclipse and other celestial objects with the telescopes of the group of amateur astronomy and screen projection of the Astronomical event. Astronomers from the Catania Observatory will be present to answer questions from the public.

Belvedere Santa Caterina – from 8 pm, in collaboration with the cultural badociation Vietra Conferences and direct observation by telescope

At the parish of Santa Maria la Scala, from the age of 20, in collaboration with the members of the Zelandea Academy Presentation on eclipses and telescope observation by the badociation Raccontare la Scienza [19659003] SCICLI (RG)
Villa Comunale Penna, from 20:30, in collaboration with the Center for Astronomical Studies of the Ibleo Pleiades Direct observation of the eclipse and Mars planet with field telescopes and projection on the screen of the astronomical event

Astronomical Observatory of Capodimonte, Naples. From 19:30 in collaboration with PONYS, Scientificast and Unione Astrofili Napoletani.
Evening 103. Special astronomical rendezvous to follow the longest lunar eclipse of the century, with interventions on the most fascinating themes of astrophysical observations at the Moon telescopes and the luminous planets of the summer: http: //

Tour of the Museum "La Specola" – from 20:30 to midnight.
From the top of the historic museum tower, observing the astronomical event both at the naked eye and through telescopic vision, in the company of Observatory astronomers.
An innovative exhibition will be available to the public to observe and touch the lunar surface. Six rounds of visits are planned for groups of up to 25 people:

Monte Porzio Catone – Astronomical Observatory of Rome – from 8 pm to midnight
Rendezvous with the sky included in the historic event under the stars. The public can not only follow the celestial phenomenon in the company of the staff of the Observatory, but also visit the historical halls and archaeological excavations of the astronomical building.


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