from today, AGCOM allows to recognize them



You are at the sea and the phone rings, you are paused and the buzzer buzzes in the air, you are in a meeting and forget to insert the silencer that's here, the call center is calling you. Sometimes commercial proposals made by telephone can be stressful, especially when a system hangs and your number is fished several times.

Unfortunately, people who work in these areas do not have no fault, but a possible hi seems to make space between unwanted calls. In the last few hours, the Communications Authority ( AGCOM ) has published and presented a new system capable of identifying these calls.

As reported by the dedicated page of AGCOM In fact, it can be read that:

" By inserting a national numbering in the underlying field, it will be possible to trace the company's register exploiting call center activity on the basis of information reported by the same companies in the Register of Communication Operators (OCR). was not reported to the ROC, the search will not produce any results. "

This tool provides all the necessary information such as the name of the company the social security number, the region and the mail electronic. the delivery. The only omitted variable is for what kind of customers work. In a nutshell, you can not know if the call center is calling you for a phone company or for certain light and gas deals.

Although simple and sometimes incomplete for some, this tool represents an excellent service to defend against unwanted calls ; to recognize them and block the number with the "blacklist" feature of your smartphone.

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