God of War has a last Easter egg, the Comic-Con clues


At a panel at San Diego's Comic-Con, Cory Barlog revealed that there is one last Easter egg that has not yet been discovered by the God of War community . The director of the exclusive PlayStation 4 launched the hunt by launching a first clue on the stage of the California fair

The most recent incarnation of God of War is not only one of the most beautiful titles of current generation, but also a video game that has been able to highlight the ingenuity and fantasies of fans owning a PlayStation 4 – or the most Pro model powerful.The adventure of Kratos and his son Atreus is indeed very rich in collectible items, secrets and tributes the most varied, ranging from cinema to l '. polygonal universe.

And if it is true that even the Easter Egg Cory Barlog has confirmed that he has not yet discovered by any player of God of War . The announcement comes from a panel dedicated to the game at Comic-Con 2018 San Diego in which the game director showed comics from a comic which was created during the initial stages of development of the Santa Monica Studio title.

See also: God of War: intrigue of the saga, between history and mythology

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The comic – named "# 39; The Hunt & # 39; & # 39; and realized by the concept artist Joe Kennedy – should contain a reference to the last secret of God of War not yet discovered by the users, for some hidden in the house of the warrior of Spartan origins . What do you think will never be? Do you want to try to find out?

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