goodbye to call centers and spam thanks to Google Phone


The Google Application Telephone introduces an important function in the latest version. With this tool we will finally be able to put an end to the spam calls for the promotions of the most diverse companies such as Tim, Wind, 3 Italia and Vodafone .

The new update contains a system that works automatically and easily to define. The filter for incoming calls from Google detects these call center calls from Tim, Wind, 3 Italy and Vodafone and the like and clbadifies them as spam . It will also work quietly, so your smartphone will not emit any sound or notification, while the call ends directly in the answering machine.

No notification is received even if the call is received and identified as spam had an attached voice message. Instead, you can view all rejected Google Phone activities in the application history.

Google Phone looks like an omen, but …

In summary, if Google can correctly mark the spam of Tim, Wind, 3 Italy and Vodafone then the filter activation bound in the settings of the application will give you a peace never felt. In case the system does not affix the mark correctly, it is always possible with Mountain View to report any errors.

On the Google Support page, you'll find all the answers to Google features. Phone, in addition to knowing how to disable all settings / caller ID and spam. Google Phone can be downloaded for free through the Play Store

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