Google at work on his video game console?


In recent months, new voices have focused on a company slowly embarking on the world of video games: Google

For the moment, the details are rare, but what seems certain of the circulating rumor is that the strategy is on three fronts: 1) a kind of streaming platform, 2) a hardware and 3) an attempt to bring various developers under the umbrella of Google both by aggressive recruitment both with acquisitions.

Google has been exploring the world of video games for a good part of the decade. In 2014, the company would be ready to acquire Twitch before Amazon came out ahead. For years the rumors circulated on a Google console based on Android but that never happened. In 2016, Niantic study also created thanks to Google scored one of the greatest game hits of the last decade with Pokemon Go but the year before it was turned into an independent company. And Google has a long history of hiring developers for projects that never materialized.

In recent months, however, rumors about Google have grown stronger. At the Game Developers Conference of March this year, Google representatives met with several major video game companies to evaluate the interest of a streaming platform, in the code Yeti as reported by some sources. Google also held meetings at E3 in Los Angeles a few weeks ago, said the same sources, and, of what is happening, the company is not only trying to convince game developers to Yeti, but also to buy development studios entirely.

So, what is this streaming platform, exactly? Like Nvidia's GeForce Now, the Google service would download graphics rendering work to powerful computers elsewhere, allowing even lower-priced PCs to play high-end games. The main advantage of streaming, unlike discs or downloads, is that it removes the hardware barriers for games. Games like Call of Duty can reach a much wider audience if players do not need a graphics card or an expensive console to play them.

Sounds too good to be true, right? Or does it look too much like the promise of other streaming platforms like OnLive, which failed because of the delay and compression of video quality?

Rumors were minor about Google's hardware . but the rumors we have heard suggest that it will connect one way or another with the streaming service. We are not sure whether Google is trying to compete with the technical specifications of the upcoming PlayStation and Xbox or if this Google console will be cheaper and lower end.

These are the rumors that are currently circulating in the gaming industry circles, where people are becoming more and more excited to watch each week, as seen at E3. The big difficulty is obviously the internet bandwidth. Broadcasting large video games involves downloading and downloading large amounts of data, which is difficult in many parts of the world due to limitations in bandwidth and lack of accessibility to broadband connections. Google Fiber a high-end broadband service capable of reaching up to 100 times the speed of life of most Americans, could be the solution, but for the moment it's a very useful service

However, some developers are skeptical. The history of Google to initiate and drop many initiatives is already a bad sign, as is the lack of adequate Internet infrastructure largely also from rural America. If Google were to launch dedicated hardware, with which games will it be launched? What would cause the arrival of the developers on the platform? The history of video games is littered with consoles that tried to take the place of Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft just to fail …

One thing is certain: Google wants to impress. In January 2018, the company hired Phil Harrison the video game veteran who spent long periods at Sony and Microsoft as senior executives of PlayStation and Xbox. Google has also been engaged in an extensive recruitment campaign, involving developers and salesmen of video game experts from EA, PlayStation and many other large companies. The capital does not fail, but only time will tell if Yeti will finish Google Glbad . [ad_2]
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