Google, billionaire sanction of the EU for Android: abuse of dominance


A (new) billionaire fine to Google by the European Antitrust Authority. This time, the figure should be about 4.3 billion euros, according to Bloomberg (the decision comes around noon). The service has targeted the most widely used operating system in the world – holds about 80 percent of the smartphone market Android . The European Commission has been investigating its dominant position since April 2015, complying with the criticism of Fairsearch, a group that originally included Microsoft, Nokia and Oracle. From the documentation accumulated over the years, it became apparent that the operating system promotes the use of services belonging to the Google ecosystem, from the Chrome browser and Google search. In agreement with the device manufacturers for the pre-installation of its application: in addition to those for online searches, even Gmail or Google Maps. Abuse of Dominant Position therefore. This should cost Mountain View one of the highest penalties ever decided by the EU and the highest for this reason. The company has always rejected the accusations: the vice-president Kent Walker in 2016 had written on the official blog that Android would have created a competitive ecosystem where there is a balance between interests of the users, developers, hardware manufacturers and operators. Android has not undermined the competition, it's rather developed.

Freedom of choice for producers

The European Commission intends to order Google to allow free Android device manufacturers to choose which applications to install so the opportunity to fish even outside the Mountain View universe. The contracts submitted to them have been studied and among the clauses there are in fact obligations for the user to find on the new phone the applications to navigate online Big G (Chrome in the first place) or those to download from other apps (Google Play Store).

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Google, sanction of 2.4 billion EU antitrust for abuse of dominant position
billionaire fine
The first penalty for Google Shopping

The penalty comes after another fine ] still ordered by the Antitrust Commissioner Margrethe Vestager, equal to 2.4 billion euros for exploiting the monopoly of online research to favor its Shopping service a price comparator. About a year ago, at the end of June 2017, the sentence was the same: abuse of dominance. Google had immediately resorted to the Court of Justice of the EU, then, in September, had proposed to find a solution to the problem: the presentation, on its web pages, competing sites chosen at a sale to the auction. Spaces on its section, called Product Listing Ads, would then be filled with price announcements from other platforms. Except the first two, which would still be reserved for Google Shopping.

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From Amazon to Apple: the maximult of the European Union to multinationals
The third survey

That does not stop there for Google, for seven years in the sights of the European authorities. Too much power in too many sectors where there is a risk of a monopoly situation that offers no choice to consumers. The Commission's aim is to apply EU antitrust rules to ensure that companies operating in Europe, wherever they are, do not deprive European consumers of the choice of as wide as possible or do not limit innovation, said European Commissioner Margrethe Vestager competition policy in 2015. A third open front in the field of advertising collection services . Here the charges are directed to the platform AdSense an intermediary between those who want to sell advertising on the web and those who want to offer space on their site. Still according to Google, there is no monopoly situation, noting the existence of many competing platforms

July 18, 2018 (modification of July 18, 2018 | 11:07)


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