Google confesses: our emails are not safe, here's how to defend yourself


Marketing continues to make the most of all possible spying techniques and those who believe that our messages were safe, are mistakenly mistaken. Our mails are more and more spied, now comes the confirmation of Google .

Gmail under charges, spy messages

Third app spying on us, here is the confession that goes around the web, application developers that we install on our smartphones read our emails with the consensus of Big G. These developers have access to Gmail and read what we send to steal our tastes and preferences, to develop products adapted to our uses and our consumption. Admission is collected by Wall Street Journal but there is also a confirmation from Google that asks users to give an overview of the page and read carefully all the notes on the security check.

Wikipedia, page obscured by protest against the European Parliament

It is now Google that ends in the storm, but there are those who are not surprised because between the terms and conditions we accept it seems that everything is in order. The problem is that no one will fully read the conditions that check by accepting an application on the web, and it seems like it may take weeks to read everything. What can you do to defend yourself? Big G himself gives the solution. First of all, it guarantees that access to APIs, and therefore to Gmail is denied to application companies that have hidden functions, that is, ie services or actions that are incompatible with the application.

to see the Security Check page where you can find out which apps are connected to our Gmail account and delete the ones we do not care about. To find out, go to the page and select the Google Apps icon at the top right, next to the notification bell. From there, you can see which apps are connected to your Google Account and decide whether to remove them. Of course, you will find Youtube, Gmail and maybe Google Maps or other applications closely related to Big G. These big names will not be a problem, whereas if you pick unknown application or that you do not find useful,

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