Google Fuchsia, the new operating system (secret) that will replace Android


They have been working there for about two years but now it could be a good time to speed up the time and offer an alternative to what Android finds itself in the European Commission's sights for abuse of dominance. A hundred engineers at Mountain View – also including Matias Duarte who designed the Android interface – think about how to overcome this operating system and propose a new one, called in the code Fuchsia OS

What changes

According to the company, it is an open source experience and an investment in innovation. But it would also be software that would extend even more the potential of this ecosystem that Google has managed to design. Because Fuchsia was designed to work not only on smartphones and tablets, but on all devices including laptops, smart speakers and the Internet of Things connected. An evolution of Android, therefore, which also breaks the tradition. In addition to trying to extend compatibility, engineers also try to go in addition to Linux the operating system on which the core (or kernel) is based d & # 39; Android. Fuchsia will be based on Zircon, a new kernel created by Google. This will also allow it to detach from Oracle, the multinational that holds the rights to Java technology used to build Android.

When it arrives

There is no official date but Fuchsia will soon arrive on smaller devices – strictly produced by Google – from here to 2012, says Bloomberg. While Cnet has been informed by a company spokesman that the new operating system will be implemented no earlier than five years . Even Google for, sooner or later, points to to merge hardware and software . A change of strategy, which is very reminiscent of one always followed by a single company, the one that developed the biggest rival of Android: Apple.

July 21, 2018 (Amendment of July 21, 2018 | 12:46)


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