Google Phone strengthens the app's anti-spam filter for Android


  Google Phone strengthens the anti-spam filter of the application for Android Eternally dissatisfied, Google continues to test and implement new features thanks to its wide range of applications for Android . Thanks to his blog, the giant of Mountain View is engaged in his crusade against spam . Against all those unwanted calls that can ruin the day or waste time.

For now it's just a test, which is a new beta. The initiative aims to release the Android smartphone from any potential call that falls into the category of spam. We can get an idea of ​​this new initiative in the support and support page of the Google Phone application for Android . In practice, there is a new function / call option with caller ID and a new menu of spam in the application itself.

Google Phone App for Android with a new antispam filter

In the application, therefore, a spam filter is available which should, at least in theory, reduce the flow and the number of spam. unwanted calls. Of course, this feature is already being tested, so it may not be available to all users. Similarly, the reliability of this new mechanism is expected to improve over time . Especially when the app learns to identify real numbers or spam sources.

All calls from spam sources will be redirected to voicemail. A mechanism that, in practice, will avoid disturbances to the user himself, allowing him to also hear all voice messages. The option can be found in the settings of the application itself. There will be the new filter Spam calls .

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