"Here, NASA, come see us to study earthquakes?"


of Giulio Mondin

FIFTH – He is about to take off from Marca to land at NASA. For a boy who has successfully practiced motocross, the jump may not be too daring. Luca Dal Zilio, 29-year-old geophysicist from Quinto, is visiting California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and Jet Propulsion Laboratory Nasa. Objective: Study the earthquakes.

A short career of his, who after studying geology, specialist and PhD in computational geophysics in Zurich, will now make a new leap. But it all began with the clbadic pbadion as a boy, the proximity of mountains like the Dolomites, beautiful peaks of sedimentary rocks that fascinated legions of scholars and no. "I grew up in the Alps, but all the landscapes I've encountered have intrigued me and pushed me to understand the mechanisms that govern our planet explains once entered the world." University of Padua I focused on earthquakes, especially on the solution of problems related to plate tectonics and the rupture of supercontinents. "

His specialist thesis, conducted under the direction of Manuele Faccenda and Fabio Capitanio two emerging researchers, allowed him to enter as a PhD student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich.Has obtained in 2014 a dynamic fluid exchange, l 39; Luca's book deals with the seismicity of mountain ranges and the physics of earthquakes The echo of the research of the young scientist from Treviso soon pbaded the limits of the institute: in addition to having signed a series of opening es published in international journals, Luca Dal Zilio recently held seminars at the Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris. and at the Observatory of the Earth in Singapore

Not only that: he received a prestigious award from Nature Geoscience magazine, which awarded him the prize for best geostation. But even the land that gave birth to him was recalled by Luca, inviting him to talk about earthquakes and prevention during the latest edition of the Castelfranco TedX. A program of extraordinary depth, enriched by the last rewarding task. Just a few days ago, the Los Angeles call and the California Institute of Technology offer.


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