HTC announced 1,500 layoffs


HTC is trying again to reorganize and resume its activity and has therefore decided to lay off 1,500 employees of its production unit in Taiwan, about 22% of its total workforce (6,450 employees). In an official note, the company said that it will use the savings obtained to try to reorganize for the future. Unfortunately, internal reorganizations have become quite common within the company that has long been trying to be useful. Shortly after the resignation of the president of the mobile division of HTC, in February, the company decided to merge the VR and mobile divisions into a single entity always with the aim of optimizing its activities.

Not even the recent launch of the model HTC U12 + helped to increase the company's fortunes, although this product allowed to give a little oxygen to the company. 39; company. In addition, this Android smartphone has been received by critics in a rather lukewarm way. Similarly, the HTC Vive Pro has been praised for its quality, but the high price and lack of accessories have turned upside down. The prospects of HTC's mobile unit have not looked positive for several years and last year, HTC had sold part of the mobile division to Google for $ 1.1 billion . This operation had helped to reduce the number of HTC employees and put money into Taiwan 's business account just when he needed it the most.

Since 2014 the profits of the company are still negative. The times when HTC was a historical company are really far away. The company, for example, in the first five months of 2018, recorded $ 437 million in revenue with a decrease of 43.9% over the previous year, although it was not the case. it recorded a 16.5% increase in turnover during the month. May following the launch of the HTC U12 +.

In any case, despite all its problems, HTC does not want to give up and has repeatedly stated that it wants to remain in the mobile sector. This new wave of layoffs will end in late September and the company has announced that it will help its former employees overcome this crisis and find new jobs.

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