Il Vescovado – Announcements Eclissi di Luna: July 27 the longest of the century. When and where to see it


We will remember that of July 27, 2018 as the longest lunar eclipse of this century. The spectacular phenomenon of Earth, which interposing between the Sun and our satellite obscure the lunar disc will have a total duration of almost 4 hours, with a record obscuration period of 1 hour and 43 minutes a good 40 minutes above average.

The time dilation depends on the distance between the Earth and the Moon that the next July 27 will be maximum, about 406,000 kilometers. The moon, which will be at the point of its orbit farthest from us, called the climax, will move more slowly when it will be closer to the Earth, remaining 103 minutes completely at the same time. Inside the shadow cone.

To make even more exciting observation of the celestial vault that night, there will also be a characteristic reddish color of the moon due to the absorption of the sun by the Earth's atmosphere, and the presence in the same part of the sky of the red planet. Mars, also in opposition to the Sun will be more visible thanks to the absence of light reflected by the Moon.

The rendezvous is for 21 o'clock Italian Friday, July 27 when the Moon, just built in the southeast, will already be entering the cone of the earth's shadow until the end of the day. at total darkening which will last from 21:30 to 23:13 with the maximum peak at 22:22. For those who want to continue the observation, the Moon will be full again and without shadows at 1:28 on July 28.

The whole scene can be observed comfortably to the naked eye on the condition that the sky is clear and better so far from minor disturbances such as street lights or signs; of course, the use of binoculars or telescopes allows you to capture more details.

Source: Corriere della Sera

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