Iliad, 1 million users


1 million users. In less than two months, Iliad achieved this incredible goal. To celebrate the great success of its debut, the French operator has decided to keep its launch offer valid for 200,000 additional customers, leaving the possibility to re-register some time at the special rate that offers unlimited calls, unlimited SMS and 30GB of internet 4G at 5.99 euros a month. The announcement of this step has been given in a particularly innovative way. Benedetto Levi, CEO of Iliad decided to challenge the live truth machine to once again demonstrate the transparency of his company's offering. The live on Facebook has turned out to be a big marketing move, with a truly innovative and modern communication strategy that stands out from what has been seen up to here. The message that pbades is that Iliad is really serious and that its tariff offer does not hide anything strange and that customers will not have to wait for surprises for the future.

Benedetto Levi So, connected to a car the truth with a forensic technician to interpret the results, he was answering a series of questions, some very light, others much more serious and concerning the Iliade offer. Towards the end of the "test" of the truth machine the announcement that everyone was waiting and it is that in less than two months Ilaid has pbaded the milestone of the first million users. Other issues relate to opening new stores, voice answering machine modification, 4G call reception issues, creating a smartphone app and running the phone. Roaming abroad.

Benedetto Levi He therefore stated that Iliad would open new stores in addition to the 140 existing stores. The answering machine voice, unappreciated by Iliad users, will soon be changed. Levi also added that in a few days the problems of receiving 4G calls that found some users will be solved.

In addition, the problem of using Iliad SIM cards abroad has been solved. Disadvantages due to a problem of configuration of foreign partners. As for the application, Levi has again confirmed that it does not appear in the plans because the Personal Area of the Iliad website is easily accessible by mobile devices .

Iliad's communication strategy strikes again. Already the French Operator 's launch press conference had been noted for the adopted communication tools but the live Facebook today where the company' s CEO comes into the scene is certainly something brilliant and innovative. Also because life ends with a "challenge". Benedetto Levi, in fact, invited users to indicate which competitors would like to see a test with the truth machine.

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