Iliad and Fastweb denounce Vodafone for the commercial with Baby K, considered as misleading


A few days ago, vodafone and Tim were thrown on Iliad, accusing the French company of making misleading spots. Specifically, the ad campaign was on target of the two giants of telephony as it did not correctly indicate the costs of activating the bid [VIDEO] and also because it did not did not clarify the limits of data use in Europe. Thus, the Grand Jury ordered the Transalpine company to remove its commercials

Iliad but certainly did not stay with the hands and, with Fastweb he denounces Vodafone in turn [VIDEO] for the television campaign Unlimited with singer Baby K.

The two companies, in fact, accused the rival company of poor transparency. Also in this case, the Jury of the Istituto dell 'Autodisciplina Pubblicitaria embraced the thesis of the Italian and Italian transalpine company, especially with regard to the "unlimited Giga" to surf the social networks that would have offered the Vodafone promotion. The advertisement in question said: "Vodafone Unlimited was born, with an unlimited number of Giga on the applications you like most … Social unlimited, unlimited chat, unlimited cards unlimited music. Limits on the Network Without Limits . "

The Grand Jury's Decision: Canceled Spot

In reality, in retrospect, navigation data on social networks is not completely unlimited as announced by the promotional campaign.

For example, if you refer to the timeline of Facebook, there is no data consumption but, when you open a link in the comments of a message, the templates are no longer free because they are considered normal Internet browsing traffic

In addition – as in the case of Iliad – Vodafone would not have offered maximum transparency on the terms of the offer . The Jury, in its decision, pointed out that in advertisements there is no clarification on the activation costs of the unlimited promotion and even on these additional threshold .

Finally, even the name of the telephone offer would be misleading, since define "unlimited" a promotion that, in reality, has limitations because the grand jury is misleading .

In short, the "war" between the telephone companies never seems to end and, especially after the arrival of Iliad the shock and competition between the various companies seem to have reached their maximum , with different operators constantly trying to offer attractive offers to customers.

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