In the July skies, the eclipse of Luna and Mars is brighter than ever


Not only the spectacular night of the total eclipse of the Moon, scheduled on July 27 next. The skies of this month are, indeed, full of many other astronomical rendezvous

Are you ready with your binoculars? Because in this month of July the sky will offer many spectacular astronomical events for the amateurs. For starters, the absolute protagonist will be Luna : the big wait, in fact, is for July 27th. Tonight, our satellite will be red with the longest eclipse of the century, while March brighter than ever, will be visible all night long.

But the appointments do not stop there. As reported by the website of the Unione astrofili italiani (Uai), indeed, in the first part of the month, Mercury is clearly visible in the hours shortly after sunset. While Venus, Jupiter and Saturnososono easily observable: in the first half of the month, Venus will start about two hours after the Sun, Jupiter will be visible from the early hours of dusk until the early hours of at night, and finally Saturn will remain observable during almost the internal night. In this month, by the way, the best time to attempt the observation of Pluto : on July 12 the planet will be in opposition to the Sun and will become visible all night (given the the very low brightness of the planet, however, it is still necessary to use a telescope).

In addition, in these early days, Terra will be found, with an advance of 3 days compared to last year, afelio or the furthest point of the Sun: July 6, at 19:00 in Italian, we will be at a distance of 152,095,327 kilometers from our star (the average distance is about 147 million kilometers).

Obviously, as we have already said, the climax is expected between July 27th and 28th. Precisely tonight, we will be able to admire the total eclipse of the longest moon of the century, which will begin around 22 Italian and will last well 1 hour and 43 minutes . The eclipse will be visible first in the Eastern Hemisphere of the Earth (Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and New Zealand) as shown on the EartSky website. South America will be able to partially observe the final stages of the eclipse after sundown on July 27, while New Zealand will rise before the dawn of July 28. While North America, much of the Arctic and the Pacific Ocean will fail to observe it

In the same night, March will be in opposition and in conjunction with the Moon. Located on the celestial vault opposite that of the Sun, the red planet will be visible throughout the night and will reach the maximum brightness for the current year. At the end of the month, exactly July 31 finally, will reach the minimum distance of our planet, equal to 57,590,630 kilometers .

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