In the July sky the lunar eclipse of the century – Space & Astronomy


It is a bubbling sky, that of July 2018, rich in spectacular events and memorable events that came together on the 27th: that night, observes the Unione Astrofili Italiani (Uai), Luna will be red of the longer eclipse of the century while March will be better observed, brighter However, the sky offers other shows because the 5 planets known since the earliest times are visible to naked eye. Even the most elusive and the most difficult to observe, Mercury can be observed at the beginning of the month. Venus Jupiter and Saturn are still easily observable even though the gradual anticipation of sunset reduces the times in which they are observable [19659003] Also at the beginning of July Terra will be found in the furthest point of the Sun called afelio . At 19.00 Italian on Friday 6 our planet will be at 152,095,327 kilometers from its star, compared to the average distance of 147.9 million kilometers. It will arrive as well three days in advance compared to 2017 due to the influence of the Moon.

The great expectation, however, is for the night of July 27 on richer in astronomical events of the year . There are already many badociations of amateur astronomers and astronomers who organize parties throughout Italy to admire the best wishes between the red moon and Mars. The total eclipse of Luna will begin at 21.30 Italian and will last 103 minutes winning the record of the longest of the century. It will be visible in Italy and in the rest of Europe then in Asia, Australia, Antarctica, Africa, Middle East, South America, Pacific Ocean and Atlantic. Mars will be found on the celestial vault in a position opposite to the Sun and will be observable all night, still brighter than the last spectacular opposition of 2003 . To finish in beauty, the red planet will reach on July 31 the minimum distance from the Earth, equal to 57,590,630 kilometers.

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