Incoming "EVA 23", the documentary film on the spectacular release in the Parmitano space "EVA 23", the film on the spectacular exit in the Parmitano space


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He is preparing for his second space mission, scheduled for the end of May 2019. But he still remembers his previous mission, in 2013, dubbed "Flying", with 166 days pbaded in orbit. Luca Parmitano was the first Italian astronaut to "go out into space", that is to say to go out in the void, to perform a long series of works at the same time. outside the International Space Station. The first, on July 9, 2013, was a complete success, with six hours of uninterrupted work. Then, the very dramatic July 16: after about 45 minutes of work with the American colleague Chris Cbadidy, Luca feels the water behind his neck. Shortly after, he sees more water getting into his helmet. It is likely to suffocate, and extravehicular activity (EVA, initials) is interrupted immediately and the ESA Italian astronaut happily falls into the space station without harm. Luca manages to manage everything with a calm and cold as NASA officials of the space program have noticed several times. This dramatic cosmic march is now revived in a documentary film titled EVA 23. Luca, who is also an air force colonel, and who is in Moscow for this training, has announced on Twitter. The film will be released July 14: "Remember EVA 23 Spoiler Alert? I'm still alive! – writes Astro Luca – Fear I would say no I was confused, I did not know which direction to take." C & # 39; was the worst experience of an astronaut in "spacewalk", but two years later, it is the same for the American Terry Virts, even if with a quantity of water in the lower helmet to that of Luca, in whose helmet he finished and a half, due to the breaking of one of the cooling tubes of the diving suit.In 2016, he also arrived at Tim Kopra, for a problem It is clear that NASA has asked the company first company for the construction of diving suits, to make changes and the problem, more recently, no longer occurred.

Antonio Lo Campo

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