iOS 11.4.1: Restricted mode USB arrives


Apple released iOS 11.4.1 a minor update for the latest version of its mobile operating system. Available for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch, the upgrade pack focuses primarily on improving device performance, but brings a welcome change. The USB Restricted Mode How to Reduce the Probability of Unnecessary Access to Your Terminal Through Lightning Connections, Happens

Renamed in the Italian Version Simply as " USB Accessories ", The new feature of iOS 11 allows you to decide, via the general operating system settings, to enable additional controls to limit access to iDevice over wired connections . By activating the restricted USB mode, in fact, by connecting the Lightning cable the device will ask to unlock the screen of the iPhone or the iPad, if that makes more An hour since the last use.

This technology should limit undue access to the device, for example as a result of a robbery, as attackers must be in possession of the unlock codes to gain access to the device. iPhone or iPad, in the obvious impossibility of using biometric fingerprint data or face detection using Touch ID. According to some security experts, there are already some workarounds, although we do not know more details now.

The presentation of the USB Restricted mode, as well as even more restrictive measures envisaged in the future iOS 12, have been controversial. United States by police forces concerned that this system could make the investigation more difficult. Apple, however, has long stressed that the need for security can not be at the expense of privacy

Meanwhile, it is unclear whether iOS 11.4.1 solved the battery problem found in recent days by many owners of iPhone and iPad, appeared with the release of iOS 11.4. According to many, indeed, the autonomy would be significantly reduced due to a malfunction of the emergency power management. As a result, it will be up to you to wait and see if this update is conclusive.

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