iPhone 2018 LCD: new confirmations on delays


The LCD version of iPhone 2018 may not reach the market before the end of the year, despite the canonical presentation in September. This is what Morgan Stanley badyst Katy Huberty suggests by checking the progress of the production phase. Compared to the OLED editions, indeed, the Cupertino group would face a problem in the management of the front panel edge to edge.

According to the badyst, the new iPhone 2018 LCD version may appear on the market before the end of October, a forecast fully compatible with those already appeared in the trade press in recent days. Apparently, Apple still would not solve the problems related to LED backlighting : according to different sources, in fact, near the top notch lighting would not be perfectly isolated, so as to be noticeable through the body.

This problem could compel Apple to postpone the arrival of the shops about six weeks compared to the other models in the range, the two OLED copies of which it does not exist. has no production difficulties, at least for the moment. In total, there could be three devices to present in September: the clbadic successors of the iPhone X, respectively 5.8 and 6.5 inches, and the LCD edition of version 6.1.

In the meantime, new rumors are circulating about the possible availability of several colors for the body of the 6.1-inch model. On this front, as pointed out by MacRumors, there would be no particular agreement for badysts: Ming-Chi Kuo put on gray, white, gold, blue, red and orange, while a report appeared online Yesterday highlights the existence of a yellow smartphone or sand. The devices, given the presence of a top notch, should incorporate all the features of the TrueDepth cameras, and then Facial Face 3D 3D recognition.

Although Apple has not yet formalized the date of the event, it is likely to occur the second week of September, around the 11th of the month. Models OLED should therefore appear in stores about ten days later.

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