Is AMD going to market Polaris 30 by the end of the year?


After the farewell of Raja Koduri, pbaded between the ranks of Intel, the graphics division of AMD – the group Radeon Technologies – gave a new organizational chart, but not a new roadmap. The slides presented at the latest public events are still the same and indicate the arrival of the Vega GPU 7 nanometers and then the launch of Navi solutions.

Lisa Su, CEO of AMD, promised the arrival of the GPU to Computex 7-nanometer game next year and the new senior vice president of engineering David Wang expressed the wish to bring something new in the hands of the players every year.

Awaiting more specific information, in these hours circulating on the web indiscretions more or less based on what AMD could do in the near future. From China, the rumor bounced back on possible arrival in the fourth quarter of this year of "Polaris 30" . Until now, this project had never heard of it, so much so that many of them are now archived. Graphics Core Next

  amd polaris

According to rumors, there will be a third version of Polaris, after Polaris 10 in 2016 and Polaris 20 in 2017. The Polaris 30 GPU could be realized with FinFET process 12 nanometers to ensure a 15% higher performance proposals on the market today (RX 600 series).

If the rumor confirmed the facts, it would be a little surprising, because the Polaris 30 solutions should not really shake the industry. However, it could be a kind of load waiting for solutions at 7 nanometers . In this regard, despite the proclamations, AMD still does not know if the 7-nanometer Vega GPU will be marketed in the gaming market due to the high price of HBM2 memory.

If the situation becomes more favorable, the card will have a GPU at higher frequencies, a higher output and a 4096-bit interface. We also talk about 16 GB of HBM2 memory. On the other hand, when AMD was talking about GPU 7 nanometers for the game in 2019, it did not specify what architecture was talking about

Navi is actually the other project mentioned in indiscretion . Scheduled for next year, it could be a solution capable of covering the market more easily, giving AMD the flexibility it has been waiting for for years. We speak of first cards that would be addressed "to the budget segment" probably equipped with GDDR6 memory, with high-end variants later with HBM2.

Such budget solutions would remove the Polaris proposals, functional only so as not to leave the field of Nvidia Turing solutions completely free. However, all this, remember, is only a collection of unofficial indiscretions. We are waiting for AMD to clarify its intentions in the world of GPUs

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