Kena Casa, the "home" internet offer of cheap operator Tim


Since its launch, Kena Mobile has proven itself in the band of low-cost operators. As is the case today for Iliad, the offers offered by this telephone company are composed of good traffic thresholds offered at a very cheap price . It is necessary, of course, to accept certain derogations as, for example, the absence of the LTE service on all the SIM cards of the well-known low-cost brand (exemptions not present, however, at Iliad).

To date, Kena is part of the mobile phone industry and offers only deals for mobile customers. Well, something has changed since Kena seems to land also on the market of the fixed connection of the house . Already in the past there was a rumor of such eventuality and, after a long period of waiting, it seems that the much anticipated is taking place

Before starting, it is good to specify that, at the present time, Kena's new service is tested and, for this reason, is not yet open to all . Anyone wishing to conclude a contract with Kena Casa must reside in one of the following regions: Apulia, Sicily, Calabria, Lazio, Friuli Venezia Giulia . The other regions, at least for the moment, are cut off from the test phase of the service

. Going into details, what Kena has proposed is similar to what has already been seen with Linkem. The telephone company does not use the TIM fiber optic network, but is based on the FWA-LTE TDD technology which allows a speed of access to the network. Mbps for download and 3 Mbps for download. At least for the moment, there is no limit to Internet data traffic (as is the case for the vast majority of home Internet plans).

There are no particular surprises on the cost side. The service is offered at a cost of € 24.90 per month of which € 21.90 refers to the offer itself, while the other € 3 refers to a contribution for the rental of the modem. The contract notes indicate the minimum stay in the service for a minimum of 24 months and, if this period is not respected, the operator 50 euros will have to be terminated prematurely, and 50 other euros in case of complete deactivation of the line

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