Light: smartphone with 9 cameras soon


Which of you remembers the camera Light L16 ? Coming off the distant 2015 with goals 16 and the promise of creating quality shots equal to DSLR, has probably anticipated the times on the current market trends, which still want more lenses on board. smartphones: in fact, the company would work on a 9-lens camera .


In 2015 the L16 might look more like an exercise in style than a device that could be used seriously, but anticipated quite a bit the current trend of using more sensors combined inside a device, and for this reason, think of the latest Huawei P20 Pro.

Huawei P20 Pro with 3 cameras

According to the statement The Washington Post The light would work on several prototypes with on board from 5 to 9 cameras probably later this year . The company said that thanks to the multiple lenses of its smartphone will be able to capture photos of the highest quality at 64 megapixels .

Also read LG V40 ThinQ: 5 cameras and notch

But the costs of technology: by the time L16 costs about $ 2,000 and new smartphones coming, despite the significantly lower number of cameras, could easily exceed $ 1000 otherwise beyond.

If the promises of Light will Respect incoming smartphones that will make you forget the SLR in the drawer. Will it really be like that?

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