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  fifa 19 ultimate team "title =" fifa 19 ultimate team "/> </div>
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<p><strong>  Fifa 19 Ultimate Team </strong> really became a game in the game, given the success that this mode has received among fans of football signed by EA Sports, we talk a lot about FUT card packs, which will not be removed, but also chances of victory, which will be visible for the player to know how many real chances he has Daryl Holt, vice president of 39 EA Sports, did not want too much of the details: "<em> Regarding Ultimate Team When you buy a package, you know what you're going to receive – he explained – You know you get a certain amount of guaranteed content , and we will start inserting reviews that can show the exact percentages of what you could Cevere will be present in all of our line up titles "19". In this way, you will know how lucky you are to get an X card or a Y or Z card. "</em> </p>
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Last year, there was a lot of controversy, since gamers were spending the money without any kind of indications on their real probability of victory.But Holt also tries to explain this aspect: " We give you a complete FIFA, a really rich experience. Ultimate Team is a separate mode and you can choose not to play it or play it without making purchases. The choice is the key. We want to be sure to provide players with a choice so that they can choose to live the game as they prefer, choose what and how much to buy. When we talk about Ultimate Team, there are a number of choices that players can make and we want them to be happy, we want them to receive the value they perceive. just for the time and money that they spend. This is what sets Ultimate Team apart from the controversial booty box of Battlefront.

We will see in the next few days, follow the updates.

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