Mega Man Special, Thirty Years of Blue Bomber


Mega Special Man, Thirty Years of Blue Bomber

On October 2nd, will be released Mega Man 11, new chapter of the famous saga Capcom, which is responsible for the conclusion of the celebrations for the thirty years of the emblematic mascot never formalized, of the Osaka historical society. While waiting to be able to try the innovations introduced in the next Blue Bomber adventure, we wanted to dedicate a special which traces the strengths of a brand that, between canonical series, spin-offs and remakes, accompanies the players of different generations since more than three decades.

Astroboy meets the Tokusatsu

In the second half of the eighties, when Capcom was in full creative apotheosis, Akira Kitamura began to mature the idea of ​​mixing the genre platform so in vogue in these years thanks to icons such as Mario and Sonic, at the genre Run 'n'. Gun . The concept was simple: create stand-alone levels that blend reasoned action moments with increasingly challenging platform sections and insert final-level bosses that require the player to memorize specific patterns to beat them, avoiding so the typical chaos of the run & # 39; n & # 39; pistol while retaining the high dose of reflexes required by the genre and a steep and painful difficulty curve in case of error. Presented this way, in 2018, it seems that the underlying concept of any title looks like a soul but in 1987 gave birth to a series that for thirty years links the material on all platforms on the market. market: Mega Man .

  sfxtmm08 [19659006] Once the concept was clear in the mind of Kitamura, he lacked a character on whom to build a game world that could prove functional and at the same time succeed in captivating the late eighties. (science fiction vein of Japanese cinema that includes films such as Godzilla and Ultraman) and manga enthusiast like Astro Boy and Kyashan, Kitamura found in the fusion of sensitive androids and what we now call Cyberpunk the ideal ground to create his own game world ndosi, in fact, to the simple and functional pencils of the manga of Osamu Tezuka, and by taking up some elements of the plot of Kyashan, were born the first sketches representing a young android man and equipped with a gun-shaped arm. Entered the ranks of Capcom, found in Keiji Infaune (whom many of you know as the father of Resident Evil) the ideal partner for the creation of the character Rockman has finally acquired the design we all know, describing the birth of what Capcom himself defines as his never-formalized mascot.

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The clbadic combination of blue and light blue typical of Mega Man, are not the result of a specific choice of desgin. Indeed, Keiji Infaune, confronted with the limits of the color palette offered by the Nintendo Entertainment System, opted for a chromatic combination that would stand out in the gaming environments.


Once again , in the distant future …

In the midst of a creative storm, the Kitamura / Infaune duo, began to define a growing number of elements creating models of androids inspired by nature, the deep space and pop culture of the time. "Kitamura set the narrative arc guidelines of the game sees Dr. Light, scientist of the year 200X, engaged in the creation of robots in the service of humanity, defending the threats and helping him in the most tiring industrial activities.One day, androids lose control by attacking humanity and causing death and destruction all over the planet.Wily, the eternal rival of The Light, in fact, decided to modify some of the most important industrial buildings of the same, transforming them into faithful servants who managed its army of artificial beings scattered across the planet.Moved by the desire to save the fate of the planet, the young Rock, Dr. Light's robot badistant, expresses the desire to turn, in turn, into an android battle to stop Wily's plans to conquer and bring peace to the world.Turned to Rockman, the young android , he launches himself into the has mission to destroy the creations of his father and stop the bitter rival of Light

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No apparent reasons for the plot of Rockman there differs in its Western version, seeing Light and Wily collaborate to create a core of androids that offer support to the people of Monsteropolis. Wily, a prey to power, will reprogram the robots later to put the population on their knees and create the seven empires of Monsteropolis. It is obvious that the plot of the western version of Rockman is not considered canonical by the authors, remaining one of those cases of readjustment devoid of logic, though common in those years

liberated as exclusive to Nintendo Entertainment System . from a third studio, the first Rockman immediately took over the favors of the critics thanks to its innovative mechanics, at a difficulty level set up and at a level of design-inspired rare. One of the cornerstones of success, later becoming a gun in the series, was the freedom offered to the player on how to progress in the title. Akira Kitamura, during the development of the Battle Boss, wanted to insert a strategic element inspired by the game of Chinese Morra giving the protagonist of the powers at the end of each battle with a Boss who turned out fundamental to ending the battle with another opponent. Not being able to include such mechanics in a linear structure, he opted for to offer the player the ability to choose the level from time to time leaving the player to the point. user the pleasure of discovering the weaknesses of his opponents. Act in consequence.

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The commercial success of Rockman was incredible transforming the Blue Bomber into an unexpected icon of the video game scene of the time, also thanks to the base installed in the Nintendo Entertainment System in the late eighties. The Blue Bomber rocked the market, invented a genre and fascinated the public prompting Capcom to develop a follow-up to devote its success and insert the blue robot into the video game history books. Keiji Infaune officially became the brand's character designer (which is why he is wrongly considered the father of Rockman) and began to develop a universe that, between canonical series, spin-offs and collaborations , years has invaded the market with over 50 titles made available for almost all gaming platforms and which we now present series that have decreed the evolution of Rockman since birth until today 39; hui.

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Rockman owes his name to the musical genre Rock and Roll. The creators, in fact, wanted to contaminate their work with musical references (Bbad Man and Blues Man are another obvious example). What you may not know is that Joseph Morici, Capcom's Vice President at the end of the 80s, decided to rename the blue Mega Man robot before making the title available on the market. Western. The reason? Simply because he found the name horrible and decided to correct " a horrible title " (according to him) prior to the worldwide distribution of the game.

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