Microsoft acquires GitHub: $ 7.5 billion contract


Confirming what was already planned in June, Microsoft has formalized the acquisition of GitHub, the popular platform for developers worldwide to load the source code of programs to make it available to users. The two companies announced the deal, for which the Redmond company will pay $ 7.5 billion. Since GitHub was a service that many tech companies had access to, the agreement did not leave other industry players indifferent. However, about a week before the formalization, the European Commission also gave the green light to the operation, noting that this did not pose a threat to competition.

GitHub, even Google was interested

In the weeks following the first announcement in June, several developers had expressed concern over the deal, fearing that the GitHub acquisition by a technology giant would dramatically change the nature of the platform. In fact, it's the same hosting service for software projects that was looking for a partnership that could generate new profits. Among the companies interested in this purchase, there were other giants of the sector like Google, but GitHub would have been favorable to an agreement with Microsoft for the presence of the CEO Satya Nadella, which showed a favorable mentality to the world of the # 39; opening. source.

Microsoft-GitHub, not a threat

"The combination of Microsoft and GitHub's market activities does not raise competition concerns as the resulting merged entity would continue to face significant competition from other players on the market. both markets. " With this explanation, the European Commission gave the green light to this acquisition, denying those who feared excessive concentration of power in the hands of Redmond. Beyond the transaction, GitHub will continue to exist as an independent entity vis-à-vis the parent company, while maintaining its philosophy. As announced by both companies, Nat Friedman will be the new CEO of the free code sharing platform. In an article, the executive said that among its goals, it will be "to make GitHub accessible to more developers around the world."

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