Microsoft wants more exclusive games and "AA" with the acquisition of new first-party studios


After several months of complaints from fans of Xbox on the occasion of the E3 2018 Microsoft announces having acquired five new first-party studies . These software houses, therefore, will now develop for the Microsoft console in order to satisfy users eager for exclusive news.

Precisely this spoke of the Corporate Vice President of Microsoft Game Studios Matthew Booty, in a recent interview

"We know that the exclusive games created by our internal studios are what made so many fans of Xbox . So we continue to expand the franchises of Microsoft Game Studios, while we invest in exclusive news, for each device.It is with this vision that we have hosted The Initiative The Ninja Theory Adventure Games Undead Laboratories and Compulsion Games .

Having studies devoted to the development of first-party games is a big and powerful advantage.First to implement new technologies, the first to publish content for new platforms, the first to explore new business models. This no it will help enrich our portfolio of exclusive games, and it was the right time to increase our investment ".

Also interesting, as Booty then paid attention to the development of so-called games " AA ", which represent an intermediate solution between real blockbusters, or triple-A, and independent games made with very low production costs. An example may be represented by Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice of Ninjas Theory .

"It seems that there are fewer studies focused on games midway between blockbusters and independent titles.At this moment, we are interested in collaborating with these studios, which have teams capable of working on well-built games that can focus and accelerate their growth by joining the family of Microsoft Studios 19659005] So we are waiting to find out what types of games will bring new Microsoft studies to life. on the first parts.

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