Monday Capcom will unveil the release date and all the details


Many preferred to postpone the purchase of Monster Hunter World to be able to play on PC but unfortunately until today Capcom revealed very little information about this version. Fortunately, the situation should change soon

Through a port on the official Twitter profile of the game, the Japanese software company has announced that in a few days will share the most important details of the edition PC [19659003] Monster Hunter World : Monday, July 9, the minimum requirements, digital reference platforms and even the release date will be revealed. In short, the long wait for PC players will be rewarded.

In the meantime, we remind you that a new seasonal event is about to begin on Xbox One and Playstation 4: the Summer Sunset Festival scheduled from July 13 to 26, 2018. During this time, it will be possible to To get special items, most previously published event missions will come back (including exclusive festival missions) and daily access bonuses and limited requests will offer additional rewards. In August, however, the Behemoth of Final Fantasy XIV will debut in Monster Hunter World A first video gameplay of the new monster will be presented on Sunday, July 15 at the Monster Hunter: World Hunting Thanksgiving 2018. [19659004] Function cc_launch_facebook_pixel () {
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