More expensive support for Asus ZenFone 3 with camera problems: official response


The Problem of Camera Development Problems mounted on Asus ZenFone 3 continues to be maintained in recent weeks. Over time, more and more users are confronting this material anomaly, to the point that today, July 2, I decided to come back on a subject that I am I had the opportunity to deal with it a few months ago on our pages. Why? I've collected some additional news that could be helpful, especially since many may have crossed the two-year warranty threshold.

There are two elements on which I want to dwell more particularly at this point. On the one hand, several reports of owners of a Asus ZenFone 3 afflicted by the known problems of camera focus lead me to say that the builder basically asks about 95 euros for replacing the entire module. Obviously only to those who are no longer covered by the guarantee. From this point of view, however, the producer did not give me any direct feedback.

On the contrary, I have official information for all those who refuse the estimate of the company . Even in this case, in fact, there will be a fixed cost for users of Asus ZenFone 3. The confirmation that I can offer you below with what I've said there There is a moment during the conversation:

<img clbad = "size-large wp-image-1163381" src = " Asus ZenFone 3 [19659005] Asus ZenFone 3

In short, the message is clear and leaves no room for Interpretation: At the time you send the device out of warranty, one way or another you will still have to pay for it:

"The quote will only be received After having sent to the service, unfortunately we do not know him, but should not he accept the fixed costs to bear are 35 euros + VAT + shipping costs. "

So make all appropriate badessments and understand if it is appropriate to contact the manufacturer for badistance in case of problems with the focus on the camera of your Asus ZenFone 3, or if it is more convenient to follow alternative routes

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<! – Sanrermo 2017

Did you know? OM and Optima are at Casa Sanremo!
Follow the Simons bike interviews every day on our OM Facebook page. There will be lots of autographed t-shirts and concert tickets for you.

From Tuesday to Saturday starting at 8:30 pm, there is #WSANREMOCONRED, a very special show in the Optima Theater. Host Red Ronnie will comment the festival live with his guests on the couch and those on the web. Join us and use our hashtag #wsanremoconred on Twitter

How to follow us from the web and TV:
We'll be LIVE every night on the FB pages of OM, Red Ronnie and Optima, on the free application Flipps, but also on TV on the following channels:

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Buon Sanremo to all with OM and Optima!

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