Mothergunship Review, an original and old-fashioned FPS


Game Title


Developer: Terrible Posture Games

Publisher: Grip Digital

Release Date: 17/07/2018 [19659004] Tested Topic: Playstation 4

Available on: ps4 xbox one pc


In the big FPS cauldron that will be released during the year It's often possible to see something different trying to make its way among the big ones, trying to find its place in a market now quite saturated. The submachine gun of Terrible Posture Games is one of them: an old shooter with roguelike elements that targets hardcore and fast video games, a community who returns slowly thanks to titles like DooM and Wolfenstein. The team has already had the opportunity to work on a very similar title: Towers of Guns, a game that despite obvious technical flaws, has given this glittering gameplay and 90 years to fans of the genre.

A Odyssey in the spazio

This time we have not only tried to limit the defects of the previous production, but on the contrary, we have worked hard to introduce mechanics of the same. crafts and even a sketched outline ; it is obviously not a video game targeted, but a background experience that enriches the context: the Earth has been invaded by Archivists, an extraterrestrial robotic race that wants to catalog the consciousness and the knowledge of all the civilizations of the universe, stop it will touch us, a simple recruit who, wearing a special armor, will have to make its way between hordes of robots and turrets to destroy all the enemy ships until you reach the mother ship, specifically, the Mothergunship. [19659014] – 1 "src =" "width =" 600 "height =" 338 "/ >

To lead us in this adventure, there will be different characters, among which the "Colonnello", a parodist leader who gives us goals every time, will delight us with jokes and references to the pop culture. The structure of the game is a mix between a traditional FPS and a rogue, but as you progress through the levels you will realize that it also offers a little spotting from a dungeon crawler. The missions are all held inside the spaceships the goal is to reach the core of self destruction of each of them to destroy them and complete it, the level -Duke Nukem 3D, remembers something? -. Each ship is divided into rooms that offer different challenges, to defeat a boss – simply simple to tell the truth -, eliminate a lot of enemies, everything is random being procedural, the only real constant is the presence of shops that make it possible to buy, through a virtual currency obtained from foreigners, a series of components to manufacture their own weapons . These are built manually, depending on the equipment and the imagination that we have; Each instrument we find offers different characteristics, some make more damage, others give the possibility to shoot differently, in short, it will never happen to build a weapon equal to the previous one, unless we did not want it specifically.


Like any self-respecting roguel, if we die, all the components found up to the time of departure will be lost forcing us to repeat the level from zero. This happens unfortunately often, because of a difficulty that alternates from room to room: sometimes we will find enemies easy to overcome, other times, however, hard to pull will be the best solution. The director of the game: Joe Mirabello has indeed introduced the opportunity to escape to reach the conclusion of a mission on the condition of not meeting bosses. Escape makes it impossible to obtain improvements and experience from enemies, where the latter is needed to obtain improvements to their armor inside the HQ , a HUB that we will find at the end of each mission. With the available star map, we can choose the mission to undertake, continue with the main story or focus on secondary activities that will allow us to acquire unique equipment for the creation of other weapons

Fire and Steel

What leaves the most astonished is certainly the aesthetic appearance of the game there is so much giant step compared to Tower of Guns, starting with the style that is close to the cel-shading style. The transition to the Unreal Engine bore fruit recreating sets ranging from rooms filled with lava to hyper-technological rooms; a truly inspired artistic design that surprises with its quality and originality. Too bad for some uncertainty in the framerate, which is noted mainly in moments of greater emphasis, but which can be arranged with any patches.


Beautiful sound design of the title for both the effects and the soundtrack, in keeping with the context of the game and pleasant to listen to during the various fights. On the audio has also been performed an excellent dubbing work, entirely in English – with subtitles in Italian – that manages to give really hilarious moments throughout the adventure.


Mothergunship is a video game that entertains and entertains ; its nature of ancient first-person shooter can give the game experience frenetic and varied, also thanks to a functional and original weapons craft system. The roguelike elements embellish a procedural game structure that creates, sometimes, difficulty problems related to the pieces with a significant presence of enemies, nothing too problematic and that is avoidable with a simple escape. Terrible Posture Games did a great job from the graphic and artistic point of view impressive for the quality and style, placing a refined and refined game through the Unreal Engine. Too bad for a difficulty of the boss on the bbad and small drops of framerate which in the most excited moments are revealed in a little "annoying". If you are looking for a game that will take you back to the 90s, then this Mothergunship will surely be for you, giving you more than 10 hours of fun at a not excessive cost of 25 euros knowing that the game will be constantly put up to date, even adding a cooperative mode in August

See also: Doom Review

Mothergunship PS4 Xbox One PC

PRO Crafting System 39; origin; simple and entertaining story; old-fashioned gameplay that works; graphically pleasing.

AGAINST Framerate dancer; bosses too simple; procedural environments that are sometimes problematic

VERDETTO Mothergunship is a nice and interesting title, a leap into the past, a gift for all fans of old-fashioned FPS. Its aesthetic and visual originality embellishes a varied and never trivial gameplay, difficult at the right time, but with some bosses to break, in a way too simple. If you are looking for a game that can give you a dozen hours of fun, then the Terrible Posture Games title might suit you, as long as you accept the small procedural issues of the environments.

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