new offers for "challenge" Iliad and Ho-Mobile


Also tim is ready to promote new offers for customers of other telephone companies. The launch on the market in June first by Iliad and then by Ho-Mobile inevitably led most users Smartphone to choose these two new companies, as virtual operators, but always reliable and especially with really advantageous offers. Iliad offers a rate of € 5.99 per month and unlimited minutes, unlimited SMS and 30 gigabytes of navigation on the Internet 4G + (the French company is based on Wind-Tre networks). As for Ho-Mobile, launched on the market in late June and owned by Vodafone, it promotes € 6.99 per month in unlimited minutes, 30 gig on the internet [VIDEO] to 4G, with a new limit of 60 megs download and 52 download , but with the reliability of the network on which it rests, the Vodafone.

After this boom of activations involving the two new phone companies, Tim decided to respond in July by promoting 5 new offers, with prices ranging from 7 to 10.82 euros per month.

Offers Tim in July 2018

Since July 5th, 5 new Tim offers have been activated: Ten Go New, Top Top Go, Top Go, Top Top, 7 ExtraGo New. Tim Ten Go New offers for all users who want to switch to the Italian company (excluding Vodafone customers) 1000 minutes and 20 GB of Internet browsing at 10.82 euros per month. As for the second promotion, it is reserved for Tre customers and the cost is 10.82 euros per month and unlimited minutes and 32.6 giga. Tim Top Go is for Wind customers and is an identical offer, both in cost and in services, to Tim Special Top Go.

The Tim Special Top has a cost of 10.82 euros per month, unlimited minutes and 20 jig of internet browsing. Finally, the Tim 7 ExtraGo New is reserved for users of Iliad: at the price of 7 euros you have unlimited minutes and 20 gig. [VIDEO]

Tim's strategy is obvious: try to win back old customers or simply attract new ones, the advantage is the reliability of a telephone network that, with Vodafone, is certainly the best in terms of receiving signals, phone and internet browsing

To be able to subscribe to all these offers, you must pay the activation fee, which amounts to 12 euros, that you only pay, of course, at the time of activation; thereafter, the only cost will be the monthly rate of the offer chosen by the smartphone user. Both Iliad, Ho-Mobile and Tim are ready to challenge each other with advantageous offers.

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