Nintendo says STOP to ROMS: Warez sites are reported and closed



  1. Nintendo says NO to piracy

For years Nintendo's ROMS circulates on the network, downloadable by anyone and launched with special emulators . For years Nintendo has always tried to fight piracy to Ban and the appropriate systems, but to no avail.

Nintendo says NO to piracy

today we mean this house Kyoto has decided to declare war on the main illegal gambling distribution sites for multiple platforms Nintendo tel NES, SNES, N64, GameCube, Wii, WiiU, Switch, 3DS, DS and so on.

Costs were paid LoveRoms and LoveRetro . To avoid a fine of millions of dollars for violation of the copyright and spread of pirate material LoveRoms deleted from the database any reference to Nintendo while LoveRetro preferred to close

In the coming days surely many others will follow, the main motivation that pushed Nintendo to act after many years, lies in the commercialization of the mini versions of NES and SNES which, if modified, allow the loading of games at will in the format ROMS, unlike their original destination, offer a collection

Will Nintendo oppose piracy this time, or all this will end- does he by closing one if the web?

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