No Man's Sky: 11 Things That Have Changed Since the Launch of Sean Murray's Controversial Space Game


Lorenzo Delli

Players from all over the world will remember for a long time No Man's Sky : This was one of the most promising games of 2016 (or always, depending on the point of view), at least on paper. The expectations of many fans, however, have not been fully respected, and the game has been punished by a more than cold reaction from the press and paying users.

The fact is that during these two years Hello Games and Sean Murray were not exactly with their hands in their hands. Slowly, many new features were introduced, and some will soon make their debut with the NEXT update that will coincide with the landing of the game on Xbox ] One .

READ ALSO: No Man's Next Sky Will Showcase Multiplayer

505 Games the publisher who is busy with the launch of the title Xbox One, has created in collaboration with Hello Games a video that shows us the 11 main innovations introduced over the months in No Man's Sky . For your convenience, we have also reported them here in the following numbered list, but watch the video to see them in action

  1. Improving the Trading System
  2. New stargates with which to travel quickly between planets and galaxies
  3. Regenerated and Improved Universe
  4. Exocraft: Four Types of Land Exploration Vehicles
  5. Four Game Modes: Normal, Survival, Permanent and Creative
  6. Construction of Bases
  7. Extraterrestrial Life Forms Assign new missions related to history
  8. Landscaping
  9. Frigates crushed on the ground to explore
  10. Space fighting enhanced
  11. Frigates to buy and customize, in perfect air reference style

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Hi to everyone!

This is a particularly stimulating and exciting month for Hello Games and No Man's Sky. On July 24, we will release the NEXT update for all platforms and we will also debut on the Xbox One console! From here to launch, we will keep you constantly informed of new content that will be included in this update. I wanted to present a video made by our 505 Games friends titled "11 Things That Have Changed in No Man's Sky Ever since Launch Day"; we find that it's a great idea, given that one of the most frequently asked questions is precisely what are the new features that have been included in the game [19659023] since launch. To be picky, the changes are much more than 11, to be exact a hundred – if you wish you can find them all listed in the following three links ]

adding them all, however, the video would have been too long …

The 11 features of the game No Man's Sky highlighted in this video are however also our favorites and include: regenerated universe, new expired portals, new biomes, improved trade, exocraft for advanced exploration, new game modes (Survival / Permadeath / Creative) building bases, new missions / stories, land manipulation, the inclusion of wrecks of merchant ships to explore and a much deeper combat system for captivating space battles.

Thank you for your support


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