no support for virtual reality


Many wonder if, after the success of Resident Evil VII Biohazard, also Resident Evil 2 Remake may include VR game parts but the answer to this badumption is completely negative, as confirmed by the producers Tsuyoshi Kanda and Yoshiaki Hirabayashi .

Interviewed by Daily Star UK the two producers confirmed that "at the moment there is no As a third-person game, it would be difficult to get into the game. add something like that, unlike what happened in Resident Evil VII, a project born in the first person, then no … we will not VR VR, do not worry, you can not not imitate a mouse, maybe we created false expectations with the trailer of E3 (laugh, ed) "

The game is expected for the January 25, 2019 PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC, during the weekend, during Comic-Co n San Diego, Capcom unveiled the collector's edition of Resident Evil 2, which includes among other things also a statuette from Leon . It is a limited edition limited edition, available exclusively from GameStop and EB Games in the United States.

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